
    「ヒトのカラダを助ける(gong)工学」Engineering Design for Supporting Human Function

    2023年4月新設!Opening in April 2023


    We aim to create and implement the “Engineering Design for Supporting Human Function”
    as an innovation to Seek QOL by in a society with declining population.

    Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design, Faculty of Advanced Engineering

    • メディカル機能
    • 知能認識
    • 運()動ロボティクス





    The Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design will newly be established in April 2023, aims to create “Engineering Design for Supporting Human Function” with a new approach that combines design thinking in the three engineering fields of Medical Function Design, Cognitive Function Design and Robotic Function Design.

    In this department, in addition to the basic science and design as core studies,, nanobiology, robotics and various other technologies such as prevention / diagnosis / treatment in medical care, health maintenance, sports and motor function support, etc. will be studied by students as applied engineering in various fields for social implementation of the technologies.

    The challenge of the Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design begins to support QOL (quality of life) and create innovation to realize a sustainable society with the new engineering “Engineering Design for Supporting Human Function” even in a society with a declining population.


    デザイン思考Design thinking


    “Design Thinking” is the methodology to attract attentions as a powerful method for creating innovation. It is a thinking method that gives unexpected and groundbreaking answers to unsolved and unknown problems by utilizing the thinking process that designers use in design works, and gives an unprecedented point of view for solving problems.



    Click here for English video

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